Types Of Roof We Cover

Roof Maintenance Cover 

Below you will find the different roof types that we provide our maintenance packages for.
Home insurance alone is not sufficient cover to protect your roof, time and time again claims are refused for wear and tear, low maintenance and not high enough wind speeds, Roof-Insure protects you whatever the weather, providing the peace of mind your home insurance can't.
Request information on our Roof-Insure maintenance plans

Maintaining Your Roof

You maintain your boiler? You maintain your car? You should also maintain your roof!
Our Roof-Insure maintenance plans allow you the freedom of having an annual scheduled inspection and routine maintenance if required.
By providing you with a detailed report after each inspection you can be made aware of any issues before they escalate into more serious problems.
Starting at just £29.99 per month and with no excess your roof will be safe and watertight for years to come, giving you the peace of mind your home insurance can't.
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Roof Maintenance Benefits

We provide Roof-Insure cover on your entire roof and any items on your roof such as, chimneys, flashings, vents. gutters, ridging, pointing and roughcast.
By having two annual inspections we can spot any issues early and have them dealt with before they escalate into more costly repairs.
Its worth noting that a majority of property owners have the mindset of if its not broken don't fix it but this isn't an economical mindset for you roof.
If a roof is left without maintenance you wouldn't know there was a major problem until it was too late.
If repairs go unnoticed roof timbers can become damaged, internal ceilings can become damaged and loft insulation can be contaminated, why risk this when a revolutionary Roof-Insure maintenance plan can give you complete peace of mind.

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Address: 47 Dalmahoy Crescent, Kirkcaldy
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